What goes in credentialSubject? Let's chat Credential Ontology
From IIW
What Goes In Credential Subject? Let’s Chat Credential Ontology
Session: 12B
Convener: Wayne Chang
Notes-taker(s): Wayne Chang
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
- credentialSubject
- jsonschema
- identifiers
- industry use cases
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- How do we reconcile “B.S.” vs. “Bachelor’s of Science” vs. “BS”?
- Some people refer to international standards that already exist or rapidly emerging groups.
- Often you just have to ship something and see what happens.
- It’s okay to make a credentialSchema that doesn’t work for everyone. It has to work for one or a few people before everyone. It’s an iterative process.
- Reminder that JSON-LD is isomorphic with RDF.
- There is a product opportunity for a collaborative JSON-LD context editor with ability to present & receive feedback on semantics from non-technical folks.
- How do we reference things? It’s ad-hoc but mostly people use URIs.
- Why did DIDs come into existence? We tried to think about entity as email, URI, and realized there was a need for a user-controlled “thing”.
- We prefer “control” over “own” for DIDs because the latter has semantic difficulties, esp. as it relates to guardianship.
- Recap of did-web, and risks of allowing large centralized authorities control large numbers of DIDs.
- DID operations are optional.