Diversity & Inclusion - what are your experiences? we are designing an offering for this community and want input.

From IIW

Diversity & Inclusion – What Are Your Experiences? We Are Designing An Offering For This Community & Want Input.

Thursday 20I

Convener: Kaliya Young & Shannon Casey

Notes-taker(s): Kaliya Young

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

The session was thought of as a way to get input from people who are seeking to improve their cultural capacity and skill set around diversity and inclusion. It ended up attracting lots of women who had a deep conversation about their experiences generally and in the community. There were also several people of color.

If you are reading these notes we, Kaliya Young and Shannon Casey, are very interested in understanding more about your experiences with Diversity and Inclusion training so we can sculpt our offering for the community.

SURVEY ABOUT your diversity experiences 

EXPRESSION of interest to participate in a learning circle/study group 

Question on the table now - what brought to this topic?

I'm here because yesterday we were going to have a 15 min session after the closing on the Harms Dict for Me2B and it ended up being a 3h discussion on inclusivity, listening, and how to appropriately make diversity
wow. I was only able to attend one session yesterday cuz working on COVID-19.
I’m here because I’m new to the identity and tech worlds. I’m coming from the world of social work and community based work which has been filled with very diverse groups collaborating together so I’m looking to find those spaces in these new worlds.


alternative option - what do you want the community to know?

+1 on proactive support of our sisters

Agree.. non-defaults are talking more .. i would never go back to the CHM again.. online is 100% better and when you talk, your face and your space is big.. it gives you parity for a period in a way it cannot in person

+1 mary

we are going to have a different conversation then the one I thought we would
I think we should talk about women’s leadership within the community

From Dee Platero to Everyone: (01:02 PM)

I was invited to share what brought me here. Truthfully, it was a stark realization that I by default passed over this session. Amazing that I didn’t consider that this was a place for me at first blush. + to Riley for some helpful backchannel that helped me realize that.

i feel like the unconscious forces within us are the biggest problem. self awareness of our behavior and communication habits that inhibit inclusivity.

The role of invitation is going to be key to creating a learning/study group of white men in the community who “want things to be different”

Maybe I should clarify about babies: being the center of the universe means your parents feed you and care for you.. but maybe that is white.. but the framing of 'center of the universe' is how psychologists see and study child hood development
that at 1y old you cannot comprehend 'sharing'

I likely will leave if Drummond starts pontificating.

@Infominer I'm not sure if this is helpful - but an invitation goes a long way. I personally struggle with imposter syndrome and as a developer I'm frequently intimidated by the older white intelligent men I work with. Even though I've been hired to work it feels better to be invited to the conversation.

I think that many diverse people want to be involved but don't feel like they have any space to speak.

Should we do some type of conference to proactively reach out to women and people of color to increase knowledge/awareness the identity tech stuff…

Yes. Absolutely yes. And I would love to help any way I can.

^ yes. I'm happy to help how I can too.

Interested in thinking out that concept with y’all too, Kaliya.

+1 to the proposal on a conference in awareness

Its now time for us to vision, build new society/economy and return to the governance of Atlantis and hospice white male patriarchy capitalism, so that it collapses with love.

@Infominer I really liked how you said this conversation is uncomfortable. I agree! So, thanks for sharing your thoughts - that takes courage.

@Infominer. I encourage you to participate in and listen in more uncomfortable conversations.

hurrah for uncomfortable conversations

it's not evil, it's mental habits

it's not evil. it's communication habits.

SURVEY ABOUT your diversity experiences 

EXPRESSION of interest to participate in a learning circle/study group 

I wish I could have been here for the beginning of this, as this was my most excited session. Had to deal with some home issues, though. So thank you for having this space and welcoming me.