Creating a Knowledge Product for the Community - What do you want/need information wise you don't get / takes to much time? what will you pay for???

From IIW

Creating A Knowledge Product For The Community – What Do You Want/Need Information-wise You Don’t Get/Takes Too Much Time? What Will You Pay?

Session: 11A

Convener: Kaliya Young & Infominer

Notes-taker(s): Kaliya Young

Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:

Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:

The purpose was to consider the possibility of developing a knowledge product for the community. We imagined attracting the overwhelmed to talk about what type of product they might want. We attracted the already connected and collectors of information. So there were several interesting outcomes.

The collectors and trackers of the industry are thinking about convening on a regular basis to share what we are seeing/sensing in the industry. If you are actively tracking the industry and wish to connect with other synthesizers doing the same please reach out to Kaliya to get connected to this group.

If you would like to share your knowledge needs and what would be useful to you in a knowledge product feel you can fill out this google form Kaliya put together.

Who came to the session and why:

Specialist in SSI - bigger project in JC

Neither part of DIF, W3C or Hyperledger <- most of the work is being done there. I think it would be great if there was more information easily accessible - i grapple with coming to a good understanding - SSI architecture stack whom to talk to.

There is a big need to put information together and curate. Big divide - knowledge and newsletters. most of the time very technical - most who is not in the community to really understand what we are doing. It is a big challenge and adoption barrier. Need information source accessible in different channels.

Jonas - Boston Consulting group looking for more than a year into the space. It is quite difficult to grasp the pace - benefit - what kind of companies working in the space - where is momentum. what are the use-cases that are proven. State of SSI.

Infominer sharing his interest in the space.

Pete from Utah - Medici Ventures - investing in area and developing his own product.

Government as a service - SSI is very important.

Looking for new opportunities - applications we could create and what we should be building into our applications.

DIF is a starting point. When I look at things and try to get into a new aspect.

IndyAries RFCS.

GitHub repos <- 60 companies

Markus’ Awesome page was a starting point. <Kyle when wrote research page.

Standards have feeds.

Adrian (SSI Ambasador)

Newsletter - basically - sign up for SSI newsletters - good and a lot of them.

LinkedIN - all my connections are SSI and blockchain

NewsAggregation tool.

Medium Blogs 40-50

Google Alerts.

Some ideas about what might be valuable.

check what is “real” and what is not real.

A lot of companies - claim it is SSI but it is NOT.

Huge struggle….with Blockchain space - but nothing happened.

Create this news - source that is used for a credible reference.

Editorial - could be powerful for the space.

Same subscription model into who is moving which standards

what is happening within the working gorups in that format

what is the short summary

translation to marketing/biz def.

If you want to share what you would find valuable if you are reading these notes please fill in this form.